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This is one of the hardest things about death, being separated from the ones we love, and in some ways, as you suggest, it is particularly bad for those who are still alive. It is appropriate to feel sad when someone you love has died. If the person was worthy of your love, then it makes sense to feel grief at their loss, or even at the thought of losing them soon. So if I were near death, I would not try to talk my family out of feeling sad, and when I have lost members of my family I have felt grief. But in time, I think, the grief can grow less, and you can spend more time remembering the loved one with joy and gratitude for all that they gave you in your life. Eventually, the balance of sadness to joy can shift, and we can look back and be glad for the time we had together. So perhaps this is what I would try to say to those who are facing my own imminent death that I hope that in time they will remember me with love and joy, rather than simply sorrow.



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